Friday, November 4, 2011

Lots of Little THings

So as most of you know, Its a BOY! :) Im excited for him to be here already. Tristan can't wait for his brother to be here either. He keeps talking to him and trying to feel him move. Talking with the dad this weekend about names so hopefully will have a name by sunday! Just got done filling out the vanderbuilt assesment for tristan as well to have him tested for ADHD. Its not going to hurt to have him tested for it and if he in fact has it then it will be nice to use different strategies to alleviate some of the stress and frustration we both have. Hes frustrated because im frustrated so we shall see. Between his ocd tendencies, temper, and activeness i dont see him not having it but im just curious. Just took another test yesterday for school. I am really hoping I am doing well since I havnt been making it much. As long as I get a 2.0 or better im good. I can always work on improving my GPA in the next few semesters. Im currently looking for gonna go through express for some temp jobs here and there since no one wants to hire a prego. haha. And I already have so much going on that I dont have much more time to spend on something like that. Thanksgiving is coming up, then tristans birthday party that weekend and then christmas. Holidays are comign up way too quick it seems and before I know it the new baby will be here. Excited to see what next year has in store for us. Just a quick update...hope everyone has a good month. :)