Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quick note before getting ready for the day!

Quick blog before I go shower and get ready for the day. So I am currently looking at 3 new degrees but I think I have narrowed it down to two. All are around the same thing just different focuses. Human resources management, human Development, and psychology. I would still have my minor in Spanish which makes me more employable. =) I have decided not to consider the human resources management...but if I go with Human Development then I can get my masters in psychology. I have a feeling thats what I am leaning towards. I have until june to decide, and even though I feel like that will be a good fit, my counselor told me not to make any life changing decisions for another 4 weeks (when my meds are in full effect) so I will wait 4 weeks and then go through the steps of starting my new major! Im gettin excited about it. Im nervous too though because I really need a job. :/ Even if its just for the summer. Fall semester I will be going to 2 classes so I can get my financial aid back in ok status and then after that bump back up to 3. Just wanted to fill you all in on my major options and let you know what the advisor showed me. :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Moving Forward

I am trying to move forward. Ive got school pretty much squared away. Tristan and I are getting on some what the same page now. Its much more peaceful here now that I'm not as stressed out. I am looking for a job so if anyone hears of anything let me know. And starting Wednesday I will be teaching myself medical terminology. Then I can apply at the hospital for an office position.

This past few months have been extremely tough for me. Ive been pretty depressed lately, but im working on that and am on my way to getting better. Now that im not having to worry about school. t and i can spend some much needed time together before i find a job. I love him more than anything and he keeps me going most days. hes been so understanding and he keeps hugging me and telling me its ok when i get upset. Hes the best 4 year old you could ever meet. I can't wait until i am back to my normal positive self...this negative crap is exhausting.

Anyways...I still havn't decided on a major so for classes this fall im going to start my spanish minor and then hopefully get a teir 3 class out of the way that will work for any of the majors im thinking about...yes thats right 2 classes. Im also going to ask about online classes so I can work...I think a break over the summer will be good for me and when I get a job I will be much happier...Hoping to get up to my moms before I get a job and hoping to take a trip to the beach too. T and I needs some fun in our lives and the beach is the perfect place for it. even if we just play in the sand. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is it so much to ask???

Is it really so much to ask for people to stop lying to me about everything? Im soooo tired of all the bullshit around me. All I want to do is live my life and be happy. I want to meet someone that loves me for me even with all my flaws. I want to start a family, buy a house, and work for a living. Go on family vacations. Take random road trips and be able to afford to. I want to finish my degree online.

What I really want to do is cut all the negative out of my life and surround me with all of my positive friends. The ones who really support me and who are there for me and make me laugh when im grumpy. I NEED the positive back in my life before I lose it. So Starting today I am making a change. Im removing all the negative in my life and moving forward with a new look on life. All I'm asking from anyone is the truth. I tell people the truth so I expect the same respect from everyone else!

I just want to be happy.

My plan: Get rid of the negative people in my life, Start running even if it kills me, eat better, do more things with tristan, get a job, only take 2 classes a semester online, live my life, and most of all Get my confidence back and Love my life like I used to.

Heres to a brand new me...or i suppose the old one shining through. :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Hollister Model Wanna-be!

So things have been crazy here. I have lost my motivation for school so Ive been stressed about it. I think once I realized I wanted to change my passion for accounting went out the window. OR maybe it was the instructor. haha who knows...none the less i need a break from school. I applied for a clerical job and take the state clerical exam next week so heres to hoping I pass that and manage to get an interview *Fingers Crossed*. I am applying for other jobs too but I really want that one. Great Pay and great benefits.

Today was amazing! We got pictures done with Erika Renae Photography and as always she took some amazing pictures. :) Ill post a few here in a few. It was a blast. Tristan was a little ham and some of them look like he should be in a Hollister ad or a commercial! Someone send it to a modeling agency so he can go to work ;) Here is Erika's website. I would recommend her to anyone!

 Little Ham
 Me and my boy
 Pickin a flower for mom
 LOVE this picture of my mom
 Hollister boy!
 Peek a boo!
 The aunt and Uncle with the nephew
 I Love her creativity!
Uncle Ben and T
This is what I live for at the end of the day! The time T and I have!

Now that spring is here I am going to get motivated to start working out again. Im in dire need of a confidence boost so that will help. Wish me luck on my clerical exam and send good thoughts and pray that I get this job! :)