Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lego's, Just Dance and Rod Stewert

I really hope all of my friends and family had an amazing christmas! I know I did. I still have two more family things to do and then its back to reality. My mom came down and we played on my wii forever it seems like last night! It was a blast. Anyways Tristan go everything he wanted and more for christmas. He got legos, monster trucks, cars, a race track, musical instruments, and an elmo k'nex set. He hasnt stopped playing with his legos i dont think. I got some neat stuff too. A peacoat and my special edition eclipse to match my new moon copy and I have the twilight special edition coming to me in the mail. I got some new coffee mugs too. :) Spongebob and Snowmen. All in all it was a great holiday for us despite everything Im worried about.

I think I may be getting sick and I really dont want to. I know its from stress but yeah. Here is the video of mom singing rod stewerts Do you think im sexy? lol. and a few pics from christmas.

He was tired and cold I think. Marcos came over to see him wake up in the am. :)

He was so excited to get coal lol

Playin playin playin....

Hope everyone had a Great Christmas and Hope everyone has a great new years! Next year will be a better year for everyone...I am sure of it and have faith that it will be. :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Gah...grades are out...Lots of rethinking to do...The curve killed my GPA. Im still so upset about the whole situation...i cried for at least an still on the verge of tears. Im super pissed at myself because I know I am better than what my grades showed. SO needless to say i will be looking for work, applying for a reinstatement (even though i may not want it), and checking out a new school that may fit me better (one with quarters instead of semesters.) I think i really just took too much on with no break and with a new school with new teaching styles. No homework killed me...Too much reading and lecture...I couldnt get it to stick in my brain for the tests. And if i wasnt into numbers so much I would change my major...not sure what to...maybe social work or something...something with people...cuz im a people person...hell i dont know just depressed now...It will work out and I have faith in that. It always does. I always find a way...its in my nature to push through anything. Im super proud of my girls for doing well enough to be proud of themselves! Good job guys!

I am proud of myself for what I have succeeded in, in the past 4 years. I'm a new person and I think I did a pretty good job when I moved back home considering everything I was going through at the time. Graduating from LCC was the best feeling in the world and couldnt be more proud of myself and Tristan is doing amazing..he has his moments but hes a great little boy! I still have my goals and I will achieve them no matter what it takes. even if it means changing schools or majors. :) Hope everyone has a good Christmas! I will for sure.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Laughing is my favorite...

and this past week has been full of it! I love my friends for that between facebook, school, and everything that happened this weekend i have laughed harder than i have in a long time. :)

Tristans party went amazing. I loved having some of his friends over (all 8 of them). Although chaotic, it was very fun. He loved his cake! My mom is amazing for that kind of stuff and I had a great time with my friends and family.

After his party we went to the parade. It was me, T, my mom, Steph, ry, and josh, Skyler, Kara, her boy jace and his daughter jordyn. We had a blast. Stephanie was a brave underwear watch woman and the look on the cops face was amazing when ry asked him to get the nasty underwear off the street. My mom got a little too pissed but we all had a good laugh about it. Tristan got to see santa use his christmas magic to light the lights and loved it. Heres the cop looking at the underwear. hahaha

We had a blast and the cop was really cool all night. I have to say that I love my life and everyone who is a part of it. Made some changes recently and they are definately for the better. Im sooo much happier now. Only a week of school left then finals. I cant wait. Thats all for now. :)