Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lego's, Just Dance and Rod Stewert

I really hope all of my friends and family had an amazing christmas! I know I did. I still have two more family things to do and then its back to reality. My mom came down and we played on my wii forever it seems like last night! It was a blast. Anyways Tristan go everything he wanted and more for christmas. He got legos, monster trucks, cars, a race track, musical instruments, and an elmo k'nex set. He hasnt stopped playing with his legos i dont think. I got some neat stuff too. A peacoat and my special edition eclipse to match my new moon copy and I have the twilight special edition coming to me in the mail. I got some new coffee mugs too. :) Spongebob and Snowmen. All in all it was a great holiday for us despite everything Im worried about.

I think I may be getting sick and I really dont want to. I know its from stress but yeah. Here is the video of mom singing rod stewerts Do you think im sexy? lol. and a few pics from christmas.

He was tired and cold I think. Marcos came over to see him wake up in the am. :)

He was so excited to get coal lol

Playin playin playin....

Hope everyone had a Great Christmas and Hope everyone has a great new years! Next year will be a better year for everyone...I am sure of it and have faith that it will be. :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Gah...grades are out...Lots of rethinking to do...The curve killed my GPA. Im still so upset about the whole situation...i cried for at least an still on the verge of tears. Im super pissed at myself because I know I am better than what my grades showed. SO needless to say i will be looking for work, applying for a reinstatement (even though i may not want it), and checking out a new school that may fit me better (one with quarters instead of semesters.) I think i really just took too much on with no break and with a new school with new teaching styles. No homework killed me...Too much reading and lecture...I couldnt get it to stick in my brain for the tests. And if i wasnt into numbers so much I would change my major...not sure what to...maybe social work or something...something with people...cuz im a people person...hell i dont know just depressed now...It will work out and I have faith in that. It always does. I always find a way...its in my nature to push through anything. Im super proud of my girls for doing well enough to be proud of themselves! Good job guys!

I am proud of myself for what I have succeeded in, in the past 4 years. I'm a new person and I think I did a pretty good job when I moved back home considering everything I was going through at the time. Graduating from LCC was the best feeling in the world and couldnt be more proud of myself and Tristan is doing amazing..he has his moments but hes a great little boy! I still have my goals and I will achieve them no matter what it takes. even if it means changing schools or majors. :) Hope everyone has a good Christmas! I will for sure.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Laughing is my favorite...

and this past week has been full of it! I love my friends for that between facebook, school, and everything that happened this weekend i have laughed harder than i have in a long time. :)

Tristans party went amazing. I loved having some of his friends over (all 8 of them). Although chaotic, it was very fun. He loved his cake! My mom is amazing for that kind of stuff and I had a great time with my friends and family.

After his party we went to the parade. It was me, T, my mom, Steph, ry, and josh, Skyler, Kara, her boy jace and his daughter jordyn. We had a blast. Stephanie was a brave underwear watch woman and the look on the cops face was amazing when ry asked him to get the nasty underwear off the street. My mom got a little too pissed but we all had a good laugh about it. Tristan got to see santa use his christmas magic to light the lights and loved it. Heres the cop looking at the underwear. hahaha

We had a blast and the cop was really cool all night. I have to say that I love my life and everyone who is a part of it. Made some changes recently and they are definately for the better. Im sooo much happier now. Only a week of school left then finals. I cant wait. Thats all for now. :) 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm starting early this year...

So today I walked 3.57 miles which is the lake here in town. I'm proud of myself because I usually only do a few sections. I'm starting my new years resolutions early this year for 1) I really need to get back in shape and 2) I have pictures with my boy sometime in January or February. haha. Yesterday I did an arm workout with Jillian Michaels on my Wii and today I did some yoga before walking the lake. My goal is to be able to run the whole thing eventually. Not sure what a reasonable amount of time for that is so I just know Ill make it. I love how I feel when I work out everyday and can't wait to make it a routine again. I sleep better as well, so lets hope this helps my awake until 2 business and maybe I can sleep more than 6 hours a night. pfft yeah right. Im only sharing this because I need to "write" it for me to want to do it. Sounds ridiculous but it makes me feel like I have to. lol.

Tristans Birthday is this coming Saturday and I cannot wait! He insisted on spongebob this year. Then afterwards were going to the Christmas parade. This year were going to stay for the lights being turned on and all that good stuff. I have hand warmers too. Last year we froze our hands off. Steph and I felt bad for the boys. Im prepared this year. haha. December is a busy month with finals and Christmas, but I cant wait for the semester to be over so I can start fresh next semester. Hope everyone has a good week!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Too much food!!!

I am thankful for Thanksgiving because I eat way to much and get to sleep. HAHA Today was great and my food was amazing. My friend Alisha brought the mashed potatoes and they were amazing. Spent all day cooking and doing dishes but I must say all that finally payed off in the end. :)

It was delicious. I actually just woke up from my food coma with a toothache. WONDERFUL!!! Me and Tristan went to take my dad some food after we ate then came home to watch movies. Hes still awake...Were watching the Christmas Dinosaur. Were both exhausted. But in all seriousness, I really am thankful for everyone in my life no matter how close we are. Im also thankful for my son who keeps me going everyday and for my opportunity to go to school for pretty much free (besides student loans). I have a good life for the moment and am thankful for that as well. Hope everyone elses thanksgiving was as good as ours. Love you all.

I look exhausted. haha. Night Bloggers.

Friday, November 19, 2010


So everytime tristan gets in the car, I remind him not to shut the door before I buckle him in. He thinks this is a joke...until now. For some reason I locked the front passenger side of the car...normally i can reach from the outside through the open back door and unlock it. Never again will I do that. Heres why:
This is after about an hour after he shut the door on my arm.
It hurt so bad, I actually screamed and thought my arm was going to be completely smashed in the door. I told him to open the door so he let go...he thought I was playing I think. After buckling him in and explaining that it was unacceptable to shut the door before hes buckled and that he hurt his mama...i bawled. It stung so bad and when i got home and got settled this is what it looked like. Now this morning this is what it looks like:

It wraps around the side of my arm and its super sensitive. So needless to say i have learned my lesson about unlocking the door like I did. And on the plus side. When we got  home Tristan said "sorry for making you cry mom" like 8 times. I love him...Little punk.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Moving, School, and Thanksgiving!!!

Well, I am all moved and pretty much settled. Still have lots to go through and put away but all my daily necessities are put away. :) The only thing I don't like about my new place is how the bathroom door opens into the hallway not into the bathroom. so when its just Tristan and I the bathroom door is left open haha. 

Here is the favorite room haha. Its the prettiest I think.

 Here is one side of the living room...its set up really weird.

Here is the other side. :)

And here is the Dining room. Ill post the kitchen some other time and Tristan's room is a mess. haha

I love my carpet. Its really pretty and matches my green couch covers. I dropped one of my classes and will be sticking with three a semester. Now its just a matter of trying to pass intermediate or failing the final in hopes of getting a c- so I can retake it next fall. (if you get a C you cant retake the class). Stupid right? oh well. I'm much more relaxed about school now though. and that is a huge relief. 

I am soooo ready for thanksgiving. What can I say I love to eat. :) This year I'm going to be doing things a little different then the past two years. Turkey of course, stuffing, and candied yams...not sure how i want to do the yams yet. But I'm going to make green bean casserole this year too. Never made it before so I hope it turns out OK. :) This time of year is my favorite. I love to cook and bake. Cant wait for Tristan's birthday party and gingerbread houses the next day. I cant wait to decorate for Christmas either. I'm in a festive mood i think but am not ready to listen to Christmas music. ha ha. 

Met with Tristan's speech therapist and from the sounds of it he would not have needed it if he didn't get so frustrated but because he gets angry when people cant understand him they decided he needs it. Hes super excited about this because he knows it is going to help him. And for that I am grateful. His parent teacher conference went great. hes got a few things he needs to work on but he is overall right where he needs to be. He definitely knows his colors. he named 19 out of 26 in 30 seconds. I guess 26 is where a 6 year old should be lol. Hes got a remarkable memory and is very structured and rule oriented. he likes to know whats going to happen before he gets involved and knows all the rules. Hes a great kid...

Well that's all for now. its been forever since i have written so i thought i would. Love. me

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Motivation

This is what keeps me going. This is why I am the way I am. This little boy is the reason why I push myself to my limits no matter what the consequences. He is the love of my life. He makes me strong. His smile makes me melt. His goofyness makes me laugh. He is the motivation for everything that I do and I couldnt love him or be more proud of him than I am now. Hes a great little boy, polite, kind, funny, and a typical boy all in one.   

Every now and then I have to ask myself of why I push myself so hard and then I see his face and it reminds me. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Would have been nice to know ahead of time...

So I was pretty much bombarded at Tristan's school today. I get there and Tristan is throwing a fit because he is way tired and I am signing him in and whatever else when I hear Tristan's name. I turn around and look at his teacher and she says this is Tristans mom right here. I look over and get introduced to a lady from the Longview School District. Then his teacher proceeded to tell me that she wasn't sure if my family advocate had called me or not about Tristan's developmental tests, but they determined he may need speech therapy to help him progress with his speaking. We have always wondered if he needed some extra help but his doctor has always said oh hes doing fine. He gets really frustrated when we try to correct him and when we cant understand him. I'm all about getting my son the help he needs, but really? could you have at least given me a heads up before I got there. So I ran late today and no one likes to hear that their child may need a little more help than most kids so I was a little upset...but seriously why wasn't I told last week? ugh so if they determine that he does need to work with the speech pathologist he will have an individualized program to help him, which means more homework for us so to speak on top on my ginormous stack of college homework. I barely have enough time for him as it is...I will have to find fun ways to help him with this. Lots happening in the next few weeks. Project for marketing due Thursday, Dentist appt. for Tristan  Friday, timed write and project due on Tuesday, picture day for Tristan  Wednesday, packing Wednesday, Signing lease and moving Friday, cleaning Saturday, then Halloween on Sunday. I might go crazy by the end of this month. I really need a vacation. I need to take classes next summer but I may need the break. :(

Friday, October 15, 2010

Never thought I would react this way...

So last time I came up to my moms, a lady merged into our lane without looking, brakes were slammed on, horn was honked, obscene hand gestures were made. Scared the crap out of me. I never thought I would ever be bugged by something like this.

Today I had like a panic attack because of it. Was driving to Tacoma, to see my mom, and as I pass cars my heart races and i tend to swerve to the left (when in the fast lane), or away from another car. Today not only did my heart race but I cried. I don't think it was because i was that scared, I was more upset with myself for letting this get to me so much. I've always thought about cars merging without looking but now i think everyone is doing it even when they arn't. I really didnt think that I would be traumatized by something like that. People cut people off all the time or turn when they arnt supposed to or wahtever and its never bugged me and now Im scared to drive on the freeway and now even more that Im going to freak out over nothing and end up getting in an accident anyways. Ugh.

This isnt acceptable in my book and Im more upset with myself for letting this one incident get to me soo much. I know the incident was traumatizing but it could have been worse ya know? It just aggravates me.

Monday, October 11, 2010

They hate me...

Seriously, I have never had an instructor like this one before and next semester I will have him 2 times a day 2 days a week!!! Looks like I have my classes picked out, just have to move some stuff around and decided on whether or not to take a technical writing class online or not. I have taken english classes online before so I wouldnt be worried about it...or I can take in on mondays with my managment class. As im talking with my friend Angela about this schedule and classes I am getting more and more stressed out haha. This is crazy. Next Monday I have to have my classes picked out. Rediculous. Im nervous about next semester now...but now that I know what he is like, it shouldnt be too bad...right? :/

Has anyone ever wanted to just smack someone for being sooo cocky? Thats how this instructor is. Its just too much. Alright Im done bitching...Ill make it work, I always do. Just gotta make the decision. SO here is my schedule, maybe:
For Sure:
ACCTG 331 Financial II                    TTh 2:50-4:05
ACCTG 335 Intro to Tax                   TTh 12 - 1:15
Need to Decide on:
MGTOP 301 Priciples of Mgmt          MW 2:50 - 4:05 or
FIN        325 Intro to Financial Mgmt  TTh 1:25 - 2:40
ENGL   402 Techincal Writing             Online or In class MW 1:25 - 2:40 or TTh @ 10:35, 1:25, or 4:15

Any suggestions???  Why am I doing this again? lol Its so gonna be worth it in the end. The process just sucks. I miss my crap classes that no one else seems to want to take. You know the filler classes required for your degree that dont have anything to do with your major? I miss those. If you have any Ideas please feel free to put in your two cents. haha.
<3 me

Saturday, October 9, 2010

It smells like rain.

I LOVE the smell of rain. I love the sound of it and I love the smell right before it rains. I hate this time of the year though. I have no motivation to do anything and i miss the sun tremendously when it is gone. I hate when my pants get wet and I hate being cold. I love the smell though. I will say that I prefer fall over winter. I hate the ice and snow. Tis the life of a Washingtonian i suppose.

This week has been crazy. Classes went by quick, got to volunteer at Tristans school, and this weekend is flying by as well. Volunteering was definately fun but I wish tristan  would not act like a spoiled little boy when I was there. Hoping to break him of that. He lost his trip to the fire department today because of him not listening and throwing a fit. It really bummed me out but I dont know how else to get through to him. Were working on it i suppose. Next weekend we will be at my moms to go to the pumpkin patch...hoping hes a good boy this week so we can actually go. I would be even more bummed if we cant do that. Hes a good boy and I love him to pieces, just needs to learn to listen.

The reason I posted this was to tell you all my love for the smell and sound of the rain. I love the smell of the rain not the rain itself. just the smell. Its like the smell of the ocean for me. Its soothing.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lesson for the day: Common Courtesy

Lets start this lesson by breaking it down. Dictionary definition for Common is widespread, general, ordinary. In other words well known. Dictionary Definition for Courtesy is a courteous, respectful, or considerate act or expression. People without common courtesy skills has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY. 

Number 1: Do not intterupt someone mid sentence or try to talk over them. Its rude and annoying. I try my hardest not to do this and find myself frequently telling other people to stop and listen for a second. And if they wont then I dont talk. And if I do it, please tell me because I know how irritating it is.

Number 2: When living with someone else no matter if its friends or family, show some damn respect and let them know what your up to or when your going to be home so if someone is trying to get a hold of you they have a good idea of where you are or when you will be back, especially if you have no other way of contacting you. I dont care how old you are or if its none of their business, be respectful and grateful for what they are doing for you. 

Number 3: When you agree to do something, DO IT! I cannot stress this enough. Dont agree to something if you know you wont have time to do it and if you cant keep track of all of the things you have agreed to do, get a day planner and keep it written down so you dont over extend yourself and have people get pissed when you cant follow through.

Number 4: Read the speed limit signs please. I prefer to go at least close to the speed limit instead of 15 miles an hour under it and when merging lanes on the freeway. please look before doing so. I like to be living thanks. 

Say excuse me when you burp or need through, let people go when you have a few seconds to spare, stop for the people waiting to cross the street, hold the door open for people coming in or out of a place you are going into or out of. Show some freakin respect people. I cant handle it anymore. Im so done. 

Sorry Thats my rant for the day. 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Where to start?

Ahhh how I have missed this. I just never go on Myspace anymore and need a place to write again. Not that it was ever for anyone else. I am pretty sure I blog for myself most of the time just to get things out or on paper so to speak. I remember things better that way I think.

Well Tristan will be 4 this year, which is crazy. He wants a spongebob birthday (imagine that) and cant wait for it. He is in head start now and he loves it! He is learning so much and I cant wait to start volunteering on Wednesdays to watch him learn everything. He is a very active little boy. He has his own sense of humor and loves to make people laugh. He loves to play with other kids and is concerned about them if they are upset. He has his moments though, as all kids do, but he is a good kid. He knows the rules and for the most part follows them, he has excellent manners according to his teachers, and he plays well with others. He picks up after himself most of the time, brushes his teeth without being asked, and is very independent. Its crazy that he is so big now.

I cannot believe I have finally finished my first bit of schooling. I didn't think the day would ever come. Now that i have started my 2nd bit of schooling, it seems as though it will never end. I really need a vacation. Perhaps next summer after summer semester. It will all be worth it in the end and I keep telling myself that. I'm not working at the moment but am hoping to get a job next year sometime. I really want to focus on this first semester. University classes are definitely different and some are more intense. More people and harsher instructors. Ill make it though. I seem to be doing alright so far and somehow no matter how busy my life is, I always manage to get everything done that I need to and still find time to do everything I do with my son. Today for example, I had errands to run and things to do, but found time to do crafts and decorate with him. He loves it when we do that kind of stuff. I don't know how I do it sometimes, but I do and am grateful that I can do all that I do.

I love my life and all the craziness about it. I can't wait to move to my new apartment and make new memories with my son. :)