Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yay for Rain! :)

Well now that I have my child back after him being gone a week I can finally get back into the swing of things. I had a very relaxing week since I was sick. :/ I missed him but it was nice to just relax and know he was having fun. :) He said he had a blast and told me all about it tonight. School starts for him on Tuesday! WOOHOO! hes soooooo excited! Im pretty excited about this nice cool weather we are having. Its nice to know that holidays are right around the corner. :)

So Im 13 weeks today, and that means I only have a few days left of the first trimester. Heres hoping I get over this morning sickness crap. Im tired of constantly feeling like Im going to throw up. Ive started thinking about names but nothing has really stuck yet. Tristan is getting more and more excited about the baby. He came home today and talked to it and said he missed it. Hes gonna be a great big brother. :)

Since I have changed my major I have felt like Im not doing enough because there hasnt been much homework besides reading. First exams are next week and it seems like I am breezing through this semester. Its nice to know that my changing my major was a great decision! I am so ready to start volunteering in tristans school again and be apart of that headstart family again. I dont know what I would do without them. Alright thats an update on us. Hope everyone is enjoying the start of Fall. <3

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ok heres the news!

SOOOO...I have been keeping this a secret for quite a while now. :) I have been doing pretty good if you ask me and so have most of the people who I told. Thanks to those who havnt said anything. So here it is....


yep thats right. I wont go into specifics about the situation but I am getting excited. I am about 11 weeks along and have already had two ultrasounds. Baby looks great and is growing like its supposed to. Tristan is excited as well and to be completely honest, I am ok with the entire situation. Im due at the end of march and will find out what im having in November. This was not planned by any means but its over and done with so ive accepted it and am getting excited. Which is how it should be in my opinion. Cant wait to share this experience with my friends and family and LOVE all the support I am getting already. <3 you all and thanks for being there for me. :)