Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm starting early this year...

So today I walked 3.57 miles which is the lake here in town. I'm proud of myself because I usually only do a few sections. I'm starting my new years resolutions early this year for 1) I really need to get back in shape and 2) I have pictures with my boy sometime in January or February. haha. Yesterday I did an arm workout with Jillian Michaels on my Wii and today I did some yoga before walking the lake. My goal is to be able to run the whole thing eventually. Not sure what a reasonable amount of time for that is so I just know Ill make it. I love how I feel when I work out everyday and can't wait to make it a routine again. I sleep better as well, so lets hope this helps my awake until 2 business and maybe I can sleep more than 6 hours a night. pfft yeah right. Im only sharing this because I need to "write" it for me to want to do it. Sounds ridiculous but it makes me feel like I have to. lol.

Tristans Birthday is this coming Saturday and I cannot wait! He insisted on spongebob this year. Then afterwards were going to the Christmas parade. This year were going to stay for the lights being turned on and all that good stuff. I have hand warmers too. Last year we froze our hands off. Steph and I felt bad for the boys. Im prepared this year. haha. December is a busy month with finals and Christmas, but I cant wait for the semester to be over so I can start fresh next semester. Hope everyone has a good week!

1 comment:

  1. W're doing Ari's party on the 4th too! Happy birthday Tristan. I don't know how you do it all lady. You are a strong woman!
