Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Gah...grades are out...Lots of rethinking to do...The curve killed my GPA. Im still so upset about the whole situation...i cried for at least an still on the verge of tears. Im super pissed at myself because I know I am better than what my grades showed. SO needless to say i will be looking for work, applying for a reinstatement (even though i may not want it), and checking out a new school that may fit me better (one with quarters instead of semesters.) I think i really just took too much on with no break and with a new school with new teaching styles. No homework killed me...Too much reading and lecture...I couldnt get it to stick in my brain for the tests. And if i wasnt into numbers so much I would change my major...not sure what to...maybe social work or something...something with people...cuz im a people person...hell i dont know just depressed now...It will work out and I have faith in that. It always does. I always find a way...its in my nature to push through anything. Im super proud of my girls for doing well enough to be proud of themselves! Good job guys!

I am proud of myself for what I have succeeded in, in the past 4 years. I'm a new person and I think I did a pretty good job when I moved back home considering everything I was going through at the time. Graduating from LCC was the best feeling in the world and couldnt be more proud of myself and Tristan is doing amazing..he has his moments but hes a great little boy! I still have my goals and I will achieve them no matter what it takes. even if it means changing schools or majors. :) Hope everyone has a good Christmas! I will for sure.

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