Seriously, I have never had an instructor like this one before and next semester I will have him 2 times a day 2 days a week!!! Looks like I have my classes picked out, just have to move some stuff around and decided on whether or not to take a technical writing class online or not. I have taken english classes online before so I wouldnt be worried about it...or I can take in on mondays with my managment class. As im talking with my friend Angela about this schedule and classes I am getting more and more stressed out haha. This is crazy. Next Monday I have to have my classes picked out. Rediculous. Im nervous about next semester now...but now that I know what he is like, it shouldnt be too bad...right? :/
Has anyone ever wanted to just smack someone for being sooo cocky? Thats how this instructor is. Its just too much. Alright Im done bitching...Ill make it work, I always do. Just gotta make the decision. SO here is my schedule, maybe:
For Sure:
ACCTG 331 Financial II TTh 2:50-4:05
ACCTG 335 Intro to Tax TTh 12 - 1:15
Need to Decide on:
MGTOP 301 Priciples of Mgmt MW 2:50 - 4:05
FIN 325 Intro to Financial Mgmt TTh 1:25 - 2:40
ENGL 402 Techincal Writing Online
or In class MW 1:25 - 2:40 or TTh @ 10:35, 1:25, or 4:15
Any suggestions??? Why am I doing this again? lol Its so gonna be worth it in the end. The process just sucks. I miss my crap classes that no one else seems to want to take. You know the filler classes required for your degree that dont have anything to do with your major? I miss those. If you have any Ideas please feel free to put in your two cents. haha.
<3 me